Negotiating to REACH the best deals

Posted by on Mar 8, 2012 in Blog, Education, Management |

Many people avoid negotiating due to fear of conflict or lack of preparation. Negotiating doesn’t have to be a negative experience…it just takes a shift in perspective and some preparation. I’ve developed the REACH Negotiation Methodology- research, engage, assess, contract, and honor – to simplify the negotiation experience and remove some of the anxiety for those who fear negotiating. Here’s a quick overview of how it works: Research – determine what you and the other party truly need from the deal. Focus on a win-win, as this is the only way that both parties will leave the negotiation satisfied. Engage – once you’ve prepared, enter the negotiation process with a team attitude, you and the other party are a team with a common goal to put together a deal that is beneficial for both of you. Stay positive, it’s just business, don’t take it personally. Assess – before you say yes or no to the deal, make sure you take a time out to assess any new information that the other party has brought to light. This is essential if you are given new information that substantially contradicts what you thought you already knew about the other parties needs or your own. Contract – if you’re satisfied with the terms, it’s time to put it all in writing. Remember that the only terms that count are the ones that are in writing and signed off by both parties. Honour – the final, and most important step in the negotiating process, is to make sure you can honor the things you’ve promised in the negotiated contract. Your ability to honor your contract terms will not only boost your reputation, but set the foundation for future negotiations. re-published and written by Diana...

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Green meeting tips

Posted by on Mar 8, 2012 in Blog, Education |

When it comes to reducing the environmental impact of your events, you may be surprised to know that green initiatives are easy to implement, decrease your meeting costs, and deliver results that improve your organization’s triple bottom line: people, planet, and profits. Here are 10 tips to design a green meeting and reduce overall costs: Venues 1. Look for a hotel within walking distance to restaurants and nightlife to reduce transportation emissions. 2. Set a room temperature standard with the venue, including a time when air conditioning / heating should be turned down for the day. 3. Close blinds and turn off lights in vacant rooms. Catering 4. Use local food that is in season (often local food is also organic). 5. Request bulk food dispensers for condiments, cereals, yogurt, cream cheese and butter to reduce packaging. 6. Provide water stations with pitchers and biodegradable cups and glasses instead of bottled water. Print Materials 7. Send emails or develop a website for registration materials, white papers, and presentations. This cuts down on paper, reduces shipping costs and reduces recycling on-site. 8. Design generic directional signage for your annual events (leave out the date and location) so that you can reuse them the next year. Note that many properties also offer electronic signage. Transportation 9. Select ground transportation companies that use energy efficient vehicles; and minimize idling and air conditioning in all meeting vehicles. 10. Offer carbon offset options to air travelers. Go tell it from the mountain! Make sure attendees, stakeholders, meeting partners and the media are aware of your green objectives. This will help your attendees embrace the green changes to your events and may also generate positive publicity for your meeting and your organization. re-published and written by Diana...

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