Wed Tip: Lighting the Way

Posted by on Aug 28, 2013 in Blog |

Electricity use and resource efficiency is rarely under the direct control of the couple renting the venue.  Using less energy has less to do with new technologies and more to do with a creative response to limitations—even old, incandescent lights simply can be switched off, perhaps in favor of romantic candlelight. If your venue does not offer efficient lighting and heating, consider asking your venue manager for ways to adjust the thermostat and turn off any lights that are not necessary for use at the time of your...

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Red Tip: Your Passion and Purpose fuels your Dreams

Posted by on Jul 22, 2013 in Blog, Education |

Several years ago, I imagined a World Inspired where millions of people are inspired to live every day with passion and purpose.  When you live with passion and purpose you are inspiring others around you to do the same.  Having inspired tens of thousands of people across the globe as an inspirational speaker, author and founder of DEFYENEURS, I have discovered the common denominator among the happiest and most successful people in the world.  They live within an inspired state of tremendous joy and excitement for whom they are being.  The ‘doing’ presents itself from getting laser focused on the only thing that any of us can control – Our Passion and Our Purpose. Here is the thing, if you don’t like the outcomes in your life, then I encourage you to stop doing the same things over and over again hoping to receive new results. Stop this insanity right now and focus on living life with greater passion and purpose. Help others define their PASSION and PURPOSE: [Your Passion]  Make a list of the top things that excite you and bring you the greatest joy.  For me, its inspiring world-wide, writing, travelling and creatively pouring myself into others.    [Your Purpose]  Make a list of how you can be of service to others.  What are your special gifts that you can share with the world? For me, my purpose is to creatively inspire people and their passions to action so they live their most inspired life.  To shine a light on others knowing that this light will inspire others to do the same.    Start now and become the purpose you were born to...

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Red Tip: GRATIFY your Life

Posted by on Jul 22, 2013 in Blog, Education |

A daily ritual that will GRATIFY your lifeThe more that you focus on living with an attitude of gratitude, the more your world will open up new and greater possibilities.  Living in a state of gratitude is a 24-7 way of being.  It attracts, directs, creates and fuels your WHY.  Gratitude is a powerful energy, a fuel, an invisible layer of meaning and purpose to unlocking your greatest potential.  This is your new daily ritual that will shift your energy so you can receive your greatness:  Morning Ritual: Still your Mind Every morning, wake up smiling, and reviewing all of the things in your life that you are grateful for.  Make every step you take a creation.  You have the ability to create your day in advance. Be intentional with your thoughts, especially first thing in the morning, its the most powerful time of the day.  No checking emails or texts, get your but on a cushion on the floor and sit in complete stillness for 20 minutes, close your eyes, feel your breath as you breathe in all of the things you are grateful for. Afternoon Ritual: Thank about it  What you THANK about your BRING about so throughout the day, thank at least 10 people that cross your path.  Buy the next person behind you a coffee and be grateful that you just made their day.  Send out 3 hand written thank you cards to friends, clients and colleagues today.  Get excited about extending gratitude to everyone that you meet today. Evening Ritual: Reflection Turn off the TV, and spend 20 minutes writing thoughts of gratitude in your journal.  See every word that you write as a creation.  Make a list of all of the amazing gifts that you were presented today.  Start with the air you breathe, the sunshine, the food that nurtures your body, the loving embrace from your family, the light of day, the feeling of connection and knowing that you are not alone.  As you begin to drift off to sleep, review in your mind all of the people that surrounded you today with their light and their energy, give them thanks and send them all love and light as your subconscious begins to create your desired...

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Wed Tip: Wedding Registry Tips

Posted by on Jul 22, 2013 in Blog, Weddings |

 Wedding Registry Tips: Get Advice from Professionals!When you begin registering for gifts, work with the store owner or manager. The person in charge of compiling your registry should be able to give you the best advice on their inventory to help you find items that will make the most appropriate gifts. Set up a consultation at the store of your choosing and let professionals help you find the best gifts for you and your...

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Scents and Sensibility

Posted by on Jul 22, 2013 in Blog, Weddings |

Have you thought about a little aromatherapy at your wedding? Research shows that certain scents can affect not only your mood but your health. For example, Dr. Andrew Weil found that the scent of essential oils from the tropical flower ylang ylang actually can help your pituitary gland secrete more endorphins, which make you happy. Oils from the marjoram plant, as another example, can boost your body’s production of serotonin, which helps you sleep and maintain positive...

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