Red Tip: Your Passion and Purpose fuels your Dreams

Posted by on Jul 22, 2013 in Blog, Education |

Several years ago, I imagined a World Inspired where millions of people are inspired to live every day with passion and purpose.  When you live with passion and purpose you are inspiring others around you to do the same.  Having inspired tens of thousands of people across the globe as an inspirational speaker, author and founder of DEFYENEURS, I have discovered the common denominator among the happiest and most successful people in the world.  They live within an inspired state of tremendous joy and excitement for whom they are being.  The ‘doing’ presents itself from getting laser focused on the only thing that any of us can control – Our Passion and Our Purpose. Here is the thing, if you don’t like the outcomes in your life, then I encourage you to stop doing the same things over and over again hoping to receive new results. Stop this insanity right now and focus on living life with greater passion and purpose. Help others define their PASSION and PURPOSE: [Your Passion]  Make a list of the top things that excite you and bring you the greatest joy.  For me, its inspiring world-wide, writing, travelling and creatively pouring myself into others.    [Your Purpose]  Make a list of how you can be of service to others.  What are your special gifts that you can share with the world? For me, my purpose is to creatively inspire people and their passions to action so they live their most inspired life.  To shine a light on others knowing that this light will inspire others to do the same.    Start now and become the purpose you were born to...

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Red Tip: GRATIFY your Life

Posted by on Jul 22, 2013 in Blog, Education |

A daily ritual that will GRATIFY your lifeThe more that you focus on living with an attitude of gratitude, the more your world will open up new and greater possibilities.  Living in a state of gratitude is a 24-7 way of being.  It attracts, directs, creates and fuels your WHY.  Gratitude is a powerful energy, a fuel, an invisible layer of meaning and purpose to unlocking your greatest potential.  This is your new daily ritual that will shift your energy so you can receive your greatness:  Morning Ritual: Still your Mind Every morning, wake up smiling, and reviewing all of the things in your life that you are grateful for.  Make every step you take a creation.  You have the ability to create your day in advance. Be intentional with your thoughts, especially first thing in the morning, its the most powerful time of the day.  No checking emails or texts, get your but on a cushion on the floor and sit in complete stillness for 20 minutes, close your eyes, feel your breath as you breathe in all of the things you are grateful for. Afternoon Ritual: Thank about it  What you THANK about your BRING about so throughout the day, thank at least 10 people that cross your path.  Buy the next person behind you a coffee and be grateful that you just made their day.  Send out 3 hand written thank you cards to friends, clients and colleagues today.  Get excited about extending gratitude to everyone that you meet today. Evening Ritual: Reflection Turn off the TV, and spend 20 minutes writing thoughts of gratitude in your journal.  See every word that you write as a creation.  Make a list of all of the amazing gifts that you were presented today.  Start with the air you breathe, the sunshine, the food that nurtures your body, the loving embrace from your family, the light of day, the feeling of connection and knowing that you are not alone.  As you begin to drift off to sleep, review in your mind all of the people that surrounded you today with their light and their energy, give them thanks and send them all love and light as your subconscious begins to create your desired...

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Become a MAESTRO of your Life

Posted by on Jun 23, 2013 in Blog, Education |

  A 7 day plan to Motivate you into Action Have you ever contemplated the BIGGER picture of the life you want to live. So many people that I meet, hold themselves back from stepping into this question for FEAR of not knowing or seeing the HOW.  This is your time to take 100% responsibility for how you want to live your one precious life that you have been gifted.  Become a MAESTRO of your life.  Everything that you have in your life this very moment is the result of the choices that you have made throughout your journey.  Becoming a MAESTRO of your life, means becoming aware of your ability to create your life.  This is your 7 day plan to regain control of your life.    Monday: Clear the Path Let go of the past, people, negative circumstances and energy that no longer serves you.  Clear your mind and give yourself permission to move yourself forward. See these past experiences as the greatest teachers of your life that served a greater purpose then release it.  Send these people love and light, smile and wish then well with no regrets. Tuesday: Fixate on the End Prize Blaze a trail for your new life by focusing ONLY on that which you wish to receive.  See and feel what you want.  This week, act as if you have already received it. Wednesday: Still your Mind High levels of peak performance need to be balanced with periods of deep renewal.  Sit in complete stillness every morning for 30 minutes upon waking up.  On Wednesday, include an additional 30 minutes of stillness before going to bed. Thursday: Affirm your way to Success Make a list of 7 affirmations and live one of them every day.  Start every affirmation with the words:  I AM…then list what you are intending to receive.  On Thursday, share your list of 7 affirmations with those closest to you. Friday: Live with Gratitude As you drift off to sleep, review all of the things that you are grateful for.  You can do this in your mind or read them out loud.  Review every moment and declare to the universe your gratitude for all of the special gifts from the day.  Upon waking up every morning, declare to the universe all of the things that you are about to create today.  You are creating your day in advance.  Be grateful for the MAESTRO that you have become. Saturday: Collaborate with Others Don’t do it alone, no one is ever alone.  Share your intention with others.  We can only help you when we know your intention.  We live in a new social world that rewards collaborative energy.  The world is waiting to life you up. Sunday: Take Action Today Make 7 calls, email...

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Wonder WHY

Posted by on Jun 22, 2013 in Blog, Education |

  A daily ritual focused on helping you live your WHY   I have recently made it my life purpose to inspire EVERYDAY people to live EXTRAORDINARY lives.  Every part of my being is centred around the power of WHY and helping millions of people define, extract and live it.  I define WHY as the World Helped by You. This Red Tip represents one a three part series helping you extract a new energy hidden deep with you.  With a compelling WHY, your universe opens up and allocates inspired energy fueling your HOW.  The key is to become aware of this WHY power and see it as an energy force driving the most inspiring chapter of your life.  Know with certainty that you were put on this earth with a life purpose.  It has always been there, waiting to be IGNITED by you and your belief in your untapped potential. As a human race, we all share this common thread, it connects us all.  We all have it, we are all born with these powerful WHY cells that have the innate ability to IGNITE a deeper purpose inside each one of us.  We were all meant to shine and greatness is our birthright.  It is not reserved for the few but for the many.  This is your time to give yourself permission to shine and ignite your WHY cells to become the person you were born to be.  Over the course of this month, I will focus on the 3 main areas MIND – BODY – SOUL. The three work in harmony to protect, stimulate, ignite, communicate and connect to our deeper WHY and connect with others. Its this state of vibration that we are able to influence motivate and inspire others to live extraordinary lives.   Part 1 of 3: Daily Ritual: Ignite your MIND The Mind  – when properly conditioned through the use of powerful visualization, stillness and affirmations, has the power to communicate our intention to these creative cells. For the next 7 days, live the following questions:  What makes me come alive, What is my BIGGER purpose and What do I want to be remembered for? Next, write out your answers in the form of an affirmation that starts with: I am…then fill in the blank. Every morning read these affirmations, then close your eyes and feel the experience of living your new life. Throughout the day, take 5 breaks, close your eyes and repeat these affirmations with purpose and intention. At the end of the day, write our what you are most grateful for, repeat the affirmations again and send out the powerful signals, believing that you are receiving your greatness.  Let it all flow, feel the energy building up inside you as white light, leaving your mind and resonating out to the...

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Simply Free your Spirit

Posted by on Jun 22, 2013 in Blog, Education |

Simple living will free your spirit As I prepare to create my 10th book together with Jack Canfield, the co-creator of The Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, I reflect on the incredible state of peace that I now experience as I write these words.  For the past several years, I have been on an inspired journey striving to align my actions with my passion and purpose. A recent client of mine stated the obvious to me – “I love that you do only what you want to do in life”. This Red Tip is focused on the ‘art of simplicity’ as a creative vehicle to help you simplify your life and free your spirit so you can focus on living a more purposeful life.   Strive to Escape the Weight of Accumulation Strive to de-clutter by going through all of your stuff – clothing – articles, etc. Donate things that you don’t use anymore or re-use an item in a new and creative way. Gratitude – Attitude and Positive Thinking – what are all the things that you are most grateful for? Write them down and share that list with your closest friends and family. This act will start to shift your life energy towards receiving more of what you are grateful for. Before drifting off to sleep – express all of the things that you are grateful for. Recommend getting a copy of Julie Boyer’s new book: 30 days of Gratitude.  Think only positive thoughts – remember – discomfort is growth and growth is the only evidence of life, so as you start to change your life some elements will need to shift and this perceived discomfort is all part of your journey. Make a list of the simple things that give you joy every day – for instance – finding that one hour to run, or read, journal, work in the garden, have a drink with friends….What ever that list is then start by doing one of those things at least once a day eventually adding more and more. Find a way to love everything around you- people – friends – family – your health. The more you spread the love the more you will attract into your life. Include a healthier lifestyle filled with good food – daily exercise and mental stillness. I start off every morning with a healthy smoothie and cellular nutrition from Usana Health Sciences.  So as you start to gain a larger awareness for yourself, the life that you want to create and your journey towards simple living – answer the following questions:   What is the bigger picture for your life that you’re stalling on? What needs to be faced head on? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to...

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Create a Vision

Posted by on Jun 16, 2013 in Blog, Education |

Every thing that I manifested, whether it was inspiring 100,000 people world-wide, writing and publishing 9 books, launching over 1,000 brands or creating a global inspired movement, I always [focused] on creating a vision.  Having a strong and passionate vision will help you stay the course.  Think of your inspired vision as the ultimate GPS system for your life. Even if you start to drift a bit off course through discomfort and change, your vision will always get you back on track.  My vision building muscles started when I pursued an education in architecture.  I would often visualize the end result of the built form.  This vision would then carry itself through my drawings and my creative expression.  Over the years, as I gained tremendous clarity for my WHY, to creatively inspire people and their passions to action, I have gained a tremendous appreciation for the power to create ones vision to drive all of your goals.  I have a few expressions:  Be what you Seek and Fixate on the End Prize. Only you can drive yourself forward with passion and persistence.  Only you can chart the path and take the first step in your incredible journey.  Only you can light the candle and move yourself forward.  It all starts with the question:  How can I be of service to others?  Your journey then continues as a result of the legacy that you wish to create.   Life is brilliant and brief so focus on how you want to live and become all that you can be.  This is your time and this is your life, now go create...

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