FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 12th, 2012

Inspiration hits Edmonton, Alberta

EDMONTON, Alberta (November 12th, 2012)  All of us are born with dreams, a vision and goals for our lives.  It’s one thing to merely let them exist as thoughts, but it’s quite another to take action and bring them into being. Upon leaving the field of architecture in 1999, Gerry Visca, now regarded internationally as Canada’s Creative Coach™, has been on a quest to inspire 1 million people to action.  With the release of his recent inspirational movement; DEFYENEURS™ and the launch of Edmonton’s first DEFYENEUR™, Gerry Visca is confident that his life purpose is coming to fruition.

On November 1st, 2012 together with Milena Santoro, Angela Kontgen, Canada’s Energy Coach, Gerry Visca officially launched Cheryl Renzenbrink of Edmonton, Alberta as Edmonton’s first official DEFYENEUR™.  The inspiration commenced with Gerry Visca’s transformational Branding Boot Camp® at the Edmonton Petroleum Club where they inspired a cast of Edmonton entrepreneurs to get focused and build their personal brands.  Later that evening, Gerry Visca and Angela Kontgen launched Edmonton’s first Thursday TANK an inspired evening of creative thinking at the Roast Coffeehouse & Wine Bar.

Angela Kontgen, contributing author and editor of DEFYENEURS™ The Book Season 1 notes: “The dictionary definition of an entrepreneur is an enterprising individual who builds capital through risk and/or initiative – not really all that compelling, I think. Make way for the age of the ‘DEFYENEUR™’ – an individual inspired and/or ignited with a compelling purpose and a massive clarity about ‘why’ they exist.  These individuals create a movement.  These individuals defy gravity to make a difference in the world and bring their ‘why’ into existence.”

The ambitious goal that Gerry Visca declared in 2008 of creatively inspiring 1 million people to action is being taken to new levels with the DEFYENEUR™ movement spreading into Edmonton.  “There are few as deeply committed to surrounding people with such an incredible energy as they do the work, take the risks and defy gravity to bring their dreams to life” notes Angela Kontgen, regarded as Canada’s Energy Coach.  “I am confident that Cheryl Renzenbrink and Milena Santoro will continue the monthly inspiration of Edmonton’s entrepreneurs who are now aware of a new level of greatness within themselves” notes Gerry Visca. “This is what makes Thursday TANKS events so unique and different.  Towards the last Thursday of every month, we bring together a group of amazing entrepreneurs from 6:00 to 9:00pm for an evening of inspired thinking.  I kick off the evening with a 45 minute inspired presentation followed by a series of what I refer to as BIG QUESTIONS take from my 5th book – THINQ, Live the Question.  Each entrepreneur is asked to answer these questions and the evening then becomes an incredible inspired conversation.” notes Gerry Visca.

“Edmonton is so fortunate to have two stellar DEFYENEURS™ Milena Santoro and Cheryl Renzenbrink to lead this inspired movement” notes Angela Kontgen, Canada’s Energy Coach.  “This movement is rapidly expanding nationally with stellar people that want to make a difference in this lifetime”.  They want to uncover their full potential and live their best lives now by inspiring others around them.  I am so excited for the next Thursday TANK scheduled for January 24th, 2013 as Edmonton will launch and stream their TANK live in alignment with 2 other Thursday TANKS happening in the Toronto and Niagara Falls, Ontario area.  This will be the first simultaneous TANK events since the launch of Thursday TANKS by Gerry Visca in 2011” said Gerry Visca.

 SAVE THE DATE: January 24, 2013  

Watch for upcoming updates….and don’t miss this opportunity to find new levels of greatness within yourself.