“Decide what you want most, take action and go get it” – Gerry Visca

What drives your passion?  What excites you into action?  How do you want to be perceived? What do you want to be remembered for? These are some of the BIG questions I posed to some of the elite General Managers and VP’s of the Food and Beverage industry this weekend during my opening inspirational key note in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  I believe that self-actualized people experience a greater sense of peace and fullfilement in their lives.  To know your WHY is to know what drives you to be the best that you can be.  Driving your WHY starts with you believing that there is a bigger purpose to your existence.  Understanding and living your WHY puts you on a path to heightened awareness of your full potential. I further beleive that we were all put on this earth to do great things.  It’s not in some of us, its in all of us.  I can tell you with certainty that it doesn’t start when the mortgage is paid off, or when you have saved $1/2 a million in RRSP’s or when the kids are older.  Connecting to your WHY means you are tapping into your greatness, a place that may or may not have been supressed til now.  Today is a new day and the day that you declare to yourself and to others that you are taking full control in creating your desired life.  Being with the people that you love, living the lifestyle you deserve and being fulfilled in everything you do everyday.  Driving your WHY means you are ready to play full out. It’s not about working harder, its about ‘living smarter’ and with passion for every moment that you experience.  Driving your WHY helps you align all of daily actions to one common purpose.  So how do you start uncovering your purpose?  Ask yourself and then live with the following question for the next thirty days: What is my purpose?  How can I be of service to to others?        


  • Condition your mind to fixate on the end prize.
  • Live the BIGGER question everyday.  The very act of living these BIG questions creates the awareness for your greater potential.
  • Surround yourself daily with like-minded people that believe in you.
  • Carve out the time on a daily basis to focus on what you want to create most.
  • Decide what you want most, take action and go get it.