Simple living will free your spirit

As I prepare to create my 10th book together with Jack Canfield, the co-creator of The Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, I reflect on the incredible state of peace that I now experience as I write these words.  For the past several years, I have been on an inspired journey striving to align my actions with my passion and purpose. A recent client of mine stated the obvious to me – “I love that you do only what you want to do in life”.

This Red Tip is focused on the ‘art of simplicity’ as a creative vehicle to help you simplify your life and free your spirit so you can focus on living a more purposeful life.


Strive to Escape the Weight of Accumulation
    • Strive to de-clutter by going through all of your stuff – clothing – articles, etc. Donate things that you don’t use anymore or re-use an item in a new and creative way.
    • Gratitude – Attitude and Positive Thinking – what are all the things that you are most grateful for? Write them down and share that list with your closest friends and family. This act will start to shift your life energy towards receiving more of what you are grateful for. Before drifting off to sleep – express all of the things that you are grateful for. Recommend getting a copy of Julie Boyer’s new book: 30 days of Gratitude. 
    • Think only positive thoughts – remember – discomfort is growth and growth is the only evidence of life, so as you start to change your life some elements will need to shift and this perceived discomfort is all part of your journey.
    • Make a list of the simple things that give you joy every day – for instance – finding that one hour to run, or read, journal, work in the garden, have a drink with friends….What ever that list is then start by doing one of those things at least once a day eventually adding more and more.
    • Find a way to love everything around you- people – friends – family – your health. The more you spread the love the more you will attract into your life.
    • Include a healthier lifestyle filled with good food – daily exercise and mental stillness. I start off every morning with a healthy smoothie and cellular nutrition from Usana Health Sciences. 

      So as you start to gain a larger awareness for yourself, the life that you want to create and your journey towards simple living – answer the following questions:


What is the bigger picture for your life that you’re stalling on?
What needs to be faced head on?
What do you need to let go of?
What do you need to embrace?